IIT Kanpur in Association with SMEClabs conducting workshop on Machine Learning and Robotics at Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore

Srinivas Institute Of Technology, Mangalore hosted a two day Machine Learning and Robotics workshop on the 24 and 25 of February 2020. The workshop was conducted by SMECLabs in association with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Kanpur).
The event was a huge success drawing participants from multiple colleges in Mangalore amounting to a number above 100 mostly from the CSE and EE divisions.
The inaugural ceremony was initiated with the lighting of the traditional lamp by :
Deepak Raj P Y (Associate Professor Aeronotical Department) and Gangadharan (Associate Professor Aeronotical Department) of Srinivas Institute Of Technology.
And Representatives from SMEClabs Dipin A (Branch Manager Mangalore),Vishnu M (CRG Engineer In ML/Robotics),Abhay Vishnu (CRG Engineer In Embedded System & Robotics).